About Us
G'zox Tech is an exclusive distributor of YITU Facial Recognition products in Singapore.
YITU is a pioneer in Artificial Intelligence (AI) innovation. They engage in fundamental AI research to find comprehensive solutions for machine vision, listening, and comprehension. They are making breakthroughs in computer vision, natural language understanding, voice recognition, knowledge reasoning, and robotics.
Why not join our fast growing customer base? Get in touch today to learn more about the products we offer.
What We Do
At G'zox Tech, we believe that AI Facial Recognition products are and will continue to be one of the biggest segments in the digital and technology industry. And we want Singapore to be part of this exciting journey.
We collaborate closely with YITU to bring in AI Facial Recognition products to enhance digital capabilities of companies in Singapore, and also to be part of the nationwide movement - Singapore Digital (SG:D).
Continue reading and learn all there is to know about the YITU AI technology and products we provide.
"It's not that we use technology, we live technology"